Church of the Good Shepherd
Anglican Parish of Lancaster
668 Manawagonish Road
Saint John, NB E2M 3W5
Sunday Services: 10:30 AM
Fr. Keith Joyce, Interim Priest
Parish office hours are Tuesday to Friday 9am - 1pm.
Holiday Office Hours:
Lori will be on vacation from December 30th until January 6th, and the office will reopen on Tuesday, January 7th at 9am
Food Bank
Please remember the West Side Food Bank with a toonie or a loonie in the can in the Narthex, or a donation in a special envelope marked with your name or number. We aim to support the Food Bank by at least $ 200/month!
Camp Medley Sponsorship 2024: Many thanks to all who donated funds to help send children to Camp Medley! We raised $1200 which was just enough to cover the full registration for 3 campers this year!
Harbourview High School Brown Bag Lunch Program
- Click here to find out how you can help!
Please take a moment to read the letter we received from Harbour View High School thanking parishes for their lunch support this past year. It is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex and beautifully expresses the impact this program has had on students, the school resource team and the parishes involved! We have resumed this program in the fall and appreciate your continued support for this worthy cause!
Parish Monthly Lunches – As our parish monthly lunches continue, we will have a “free will offering” basket set up at our lunches with the proceeds directed to assist our theological student, Rick Cunningham, who has resumed his studies. We hope you will all continue to join us for this monthly opportunity of fellowship as we break bread together!
2024 Synod – The 139th Session of Diocesan Synod was held on November 2, 2024. Our delegates include Susan Jack and Beverly Janes, and our alternates are Ann Stone and Patti Vaughan. As a parish, let’s pray that we can embody the theme of this year’s synod and expand our role in our communities with creative new ideas!
AGM Update – The following are highlights from the parish Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Sunday, February 25, 2024:
The budget presented and approved reflects a slight decrease in offerings from 2023 to account for the changing demographics in our parish and higher expenses reflecting an increased rector’s stipend. A net loss of $4385 is projected. The 2024 budget approved at the AGM includes total expenses of $167,005 against total income of $162,620 to provide for the needs and ministry of CGS.
Susan Jack and Terry Ricketts will continue as Church Wardens for year 2 of their 2-year term.
Janet Brown, Don Cormier, Shayne Galbraith, Beverly Janes, Jeff Maker, Heather Masson, and Barry McQueen will serve on Vestry.
Susan Jack and Beverly Janes will serve as Lay Delegates to Synod. Ann Stone and Patti Vaughan will be alternates.
As the PAC continues to discern our clerical needs (full or part time minister), the Financial Futures Committee will be resurrected. Please contact either Warden if you would like to be on this committee.
Please contact Ngaire Nelson if you are called to be part of the Prayer Tree Ministry which needs new members.
Please call the office or Father Keith directly if you or a loved one is sick and in hospital or recovering at home.
The Rector's Discretionary Fund can always use a boost. This fund is used to help people who have an emergency monetary need. If you wish to contribute to this fund please put it in an envelope marked "Rector's Discretionary Fund" or contact Lori in the Office. Thank-you
Is a ministry to people who are in need of some basic food items and is ongoing, esp. at this time of year. Please bring non-perishable food items to church with you. Gift cards and financial donations are also accepted to help with this valuable ministry.
CARING CARDS: LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together) continues to create beautiful greeting cards to brighten the days of parishioners and others who need a note of encouragement or fellowship. Call the church office if you know someone who could benefit from hearing from us.
Need a place to hold an event or meeting?
Contact our church office Tue-Fri 9am-12pm (635-8145) for availability and shared cost of using our large hall/gym, small hall or the Sunshine meeting room. Individuals and companies are welcome to inquire. See facility pics here:
We continue to support the Caring Closet at Lancaster Baptist. Please remember them as you transition to warmer weather clothes. There are many families and individuals who could use your gently worn items that you no longer need.
On Saturday, Nov 5th, 2022 the Diocesan Synod was held (Fredericton, N.B.). Click on this link to see related documents, including Archbishop David's charge:
138th Session of the Diocesan Synod of Fredericton
Monthly Book/Puzzle Exchange - We launched a book/puzzle exchange Fall of 2022 and invite you to join us! The exchange will function differently than typical books clubs. There is no pressure or deadline to read a specific book. Rather, we will discuss what book or books we have read and recommend to others. A fellowship based on the love of books over a cup of coffee or tea. To encourage the exchange, a bookcase has been placed in the hallway where you can drop off your recently read (gently used) books and/or pick up another. For those who like the challenge of jigsaws, a puzzle exchange will also be available. The exchange will meet the fourth Thursday of every month, in the Small Hall, at 6:30. All are welcome!
Crafting for a Cause – we are looking to see if anyone is interested in a Pop-Up Craft Class? The cost for the class would include supplies to make your own take home craft. Profits from the classes would go to a designated outreach program. Class size and cost would be determined by the craft. The classes would be open to anyone in our community (children must be accompanied by an adult). Please email the church if you are interested: or speak with Janet Brown or Terry Ricketts.
PRAYER SHAWLS - When an inquiry about the availability of a prayer shawl was received a while back, a small group of Good Shepherd parishioners thought it would be a good idea to have some on hand. It is our hope that they might bring comfort and peace for those who receive them. They will be offered freely as a gift of love and care. We would be delighted to welcome anyone who would like to participate in these efforts.
So, what is a prayer shawl? A handmade shawl is like a hug that can be worn. It is what you would like it to be! In its simplest form, it is keeping a possible recipient in one’s thoughts and prayers while its being made. It can be given to honour a celebration or can offer comfort in a time of struggle like a recent death or a disease diagnosis or for anyone in need of hope – man, woman or child.
The shawl, itself, can be of any material. It can be knitted, crocheted, sewn, quilted or can be fleece. It can be square, triangular or rectangular. It can be any colour or pattern. So long as the recipient can wrap it around his/ her shoulders and know that it was made and given with hope and love.
We ask that requests be limited to our own parish as our supply is limited at the present time. For information or to inquire, contact Ngaire Nelson (506-672-8666) or at the church office (506-635-8145).
Let's all continue to pray for Ukraine. Here are some prayer suggestions to help you. These prayers can also be adapted for all those who are affected by what is happening in the Gaza Strip.
Tintinabula Hand Bell Choir meets Mondays 6:45 pm to 8:15 or 8:30 pm in the small hall! . Contact Lynn Adams at 635-8474.
Choir directed by David Mitchell (738-2798) meets Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the small hall! Thank you to Helen Gollings for filling in while he recovered from knee surgery.
Saint John and District Senior's Shuffleboard League meets 10:00 am Wednesdays in the gym! Contact Ngaire Nelson at 672-8666.
We have embarked on a journey of prayerful discernment and research that will chart our course at the Church of the Good Shepherd for the next 5 years. We are asking everyone to pray regularly as we seek God’s direction for us to be faithful in our mission field here on the West side and seek to be good stewards of our finances, talents, and resources. A presentation by this committee was made at our Annual AGM on Feb 13th, 2022 by Terry Ricketts.
We have formed a new committee to create a 5 year financial outlook. We looked at trends in offering and expenses. We are looking to address our financial shortfall and our future together. We had an hour meeting every few weeks for a number of months since Nov 11, 2021. A presentation by this committee was made at our Annual AGM on Feb 13th, 2022 by Susan Jack.
At our Feb 2024 AGM it was reported that this committee will be continuing to meet. If you have any ideas to pass on to this committee or wish to join, contact our wardens Susan Jack or Terry Ricketts.
WEDNESDAY YOUTH GROUP (ages 8-12): Click here for more information. Youth group is temporarily on hold until we find a more permanent full time Priest.
The Rev. Jonathan Springthorpe has created a video with a reading of the Book of Common Prayer Morning Prayer office for use by individuals or groups. All of the words are projected, with the exception of the Scripture passages and Collect, at which point the video can be paused to insert those of the day. Find this and other resources for praying at home on the diocesan website.
PASTORAL CARE - please contact our church office at 635-8145 if you are in need of pastoral care.
If someone is on your mind then reach out and call them. Look to God the author and finisher of our faith. He is able to uphold us and help us to stand even in the darkest hour. May God bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you now and forever more.
Thank you to everyone who is able to still continue with your regular offerings - electronic or otherwise. Whether you are able to still give offerings or not is secondary to the trust that we have in God that our needs both as individuals and as a church family can be met.
If you are willing to consider E-Offering, there is a link to the application on the home page of this website (right side). Lori Maker (635-8145) is your contact if you have any questions or wish to begin with E-Offering. You can change your E-offering amount at any time this way if your financial circumstances change.
We are also set up to receive e-Transfer donations:
e-transfer: (auto-deposit)
There is a comment field available in e-transfer where you can put your envelope # and, if applicable, a specific account to which you want your donation directed. Our "Rector's Discretionary" or 'Good Shepherd Pantry" funds could always use a boost. It is important that our Rector be able to help in cases of emergency need. It is important that we continue to support these valuable ministries! Of course, let's not forget our contributions to the "West Side Food Bank".
Thank you, and God bless! Together we can do this!
"Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7 NRSV
A team of volunteers is available upon request, to pray for you or your loved one daily, for two weeks. These prayers will be treated with the strictest confidence. Prayer-requests should be short and to the point, and will be passed on verbatim. The Lord knows what we need best! A follow-up of thanks or an update encourages our intercessors in their ministry. To initiate the prayer-tree ministry please call your request to our “Captain”, Ngaire Nelson 672-8666.
In November, we pray for harmony among the variety of nationalities and cultures onboard ship.
Is a ministry to people who are in need of some basic food items and is ongoing, esp. at this time of year. Please bring non-perishable food items to church with you. Gift cards and financial donations are also accepted to help with this valuable ministry.
We continue to support the Caring Closet at Lancaster Baptist. Please remember them as you transition to Spring & Summer clothes. There are many families and individuals who could use your gently worn items that you no longer need.
Alcoholics Anonymous; Bibles for Missions Store; Big Brothers/Big Sisters; St. Rose Breakfast Program; Carleton Kirk Lodge; First Steps Housing; Gentle Path Counselling Services; George’s Café; Hospice Greater Saint John; Loch Lomond Villa; NB Foster Parents Association; Outflow Ministries; Pregnancy Resource Centre; READ Saint John; Rocmaura Home; Romero House; Safe Harbour Youth Shelter; Saint John Theatre Company; the Salvation Army; the Seafarers’ Mission; Volunteer Services at the Regional and Centracare Hospitals; the Westside Food Bank; and the Mothers' Union.
Choir continues on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, now that our Choir Director David Mitchell is back at the helm.
Tintinabula Hand Bell Choir has decided not to practice for the rest of Nov or Dec this year. We hope to start up again the in middle of January on our regular Monday nights 6:45 pm to approx. 8:15 pm. We are looking for new members and you do not need to read music. Everyone welcome, call Lynn Adams 506-635-8474.
L.I.F.T. (Ladies in Fellowship Together) normally meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Small Hall, except in July and August. All women in the parish are welcome at our meetings! Starting in January 2023, the group will continue to meet the 2nd Thursday of the month, but they voted to meet at 2:00 PM instead of 6:30 pm.
RECYCLING BOTTLES AND CANS! In March 2017 L.I.F.T purchased and placed 3 blue recycle bins around our church hall and gym areas for your convenience. They have also opened up a “Church of the Good Shepherd” account at the Golden Mile Redemption Center, 35 Linton Rd. To donate, all you need to do is take your bottles/cans to the Golden Mile Redemption Center on Linton Road (West SJ) and tell them you want the proceeds put on the "Church of the Good Shepherd" account. Proceeds of donations to this account for now will go to support the Harbourview Lunch Program, so any help you can provide with your recycling donations will be most appreciated. We have 4 teams who take turns preparing 50 lunch bags each Sunday and they are delivered to the school Mondays when school is in session. Thank you to all who donated their recycling proceeds to date, and who continue to do so going forward.
Phone: 506-674-1206
Operating Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri 8:30am–4:00pm; Wed closed; Sat 8:30am-12:00 pm
Beacon Cove (the youth shelter in Saint John) can always use toiletries for both men and women, including hygiene products. Click on this link to their website:
The L.I.F.T (Ladies in Fellowship Together) group and our Vestry at the Church of the Good Shepherd approved the purchase of about $500 in toiletries to be purchased and donated to Beacon Cove ( Janet Brown and Terry Ricketts purchased and delivered these items to Beacon Cove April 20, 2023 and they were very appreciative. Thanks Terry for the photos.
"Counselling Services for West Saint John."
Gentle Path Counselling Services has partnered with the Marketplace Wellness Centre in the basement of the Carleton Community Centre, and the Community Grants program of the City of Saint John, to offer counselling to folks needing an empathetic professional counsellor to speak with and help sort out their challenges and needs. This may take place at the Carleton Centre, Gentle Path's office at 28 Richmond Street, or from home by internet or telephone. If you or someone you know can benefit from such therapy today, please contact Gentle Path at (506) 652-7284 or 1-888-394-4022. Subsidies are available for those who cannot afford this service.
Trinity Church Columbarium:
Click on this LINK
Event Coordinator: Heather Cotter
The Saint John Blood Donation Center is open Thursdays 2-8 and Fridays 9-3.
405 University Avenue, Saint John. Go to for more information and to book an appointment.
Donors are needed every day!
Thank you!